Go Beyond
《GO BEYOND》是由国际顶级音乐人Andy Love填词作曲、实力女歌手Sonna Rele 演唱的歌曲;收录于专辑《GO BEYOND》中。
《GO BEYOND》是荣耀品牌全球主题曲;编曲制作简单流畅,融合Sonna Rele高昂悦耳的嗓音,搭配大量的钢琴演绎以及空拍的效果,展现宏伟梦幻的听觉感受。
Andy Love将钢琴、弦乐、鼓和大提琴等音乐元素进行完美地融合,营造出十分完整的情绪线。歌曲从舒缓的钢琴切入,逐渐释出Sonna Rele张弛有力、浑厚大气的人声;最后激昂的鼓点与弦乐的堆叠让歌曲兼具层次与质感,同时也将歌曲主题从个体的励志拔高至引领时代的超越,完美契合荣耀品牌不畏艰险、勇往直前、超越自我的全新形象。
I've come so far away from home
There's no way I'm turning back now
My destination is unknown
So I'll keep pushing never slow down
A big blue sky a pocket of dreams
A head full of hopes possibilities
I'm taking a chance to reach for the stars for the stars
If I fall
Then I'll get back up try again come back stronger
No walls they build can stop me now
Let's keep chasing the sun
Do what can't be done
Let's go beyond go beyond
Push the limits take flight
We'll break through the sky
And go beyond the stars
With every step we take
We'll lead the way
These walls we're breaking em' down
And we'll leave them all in the dust
New horizons waiting for us
Because we were made
To go beyond
I won't forget where I came from
I'll use my past to build a future
Keep moving forwards go beyond
What they thought possible
If I fall
Then now I'll get back up try again come back stronger
No walls they build can stop me now
Let's keep chasing the sun
Do what can't be done
Let's go beyond go beyond
Push the limits take flight
We'll break through the sky
And go beyond the stars
With every step we take
We'll lead the way
These walls we're breaking em' down
And we'll leave them all in the dust
To go beyond
Expectations and dreams
To be stronger to push harder than before
It's a time for change
We're standing on the edge of great
Let's keep chasing the sun
Do what can't be done
Let's go beyond go beyond
Cause every step we take
We'll lead the way
These walls we're breaking em' down
And we'll leave them all in the dust
New horizons waiting for us
Because we were made
To go beyond beyond beyond go beyond
2021年8月12日,《GO BEYOND》宣传短片于荣耀Magic 3新品发布会上首次发布。MV中剪辑了歌手Sonna Rele的演唱画面,以黑色作为背景板,搭配耀眼的舞台灯光,不同景别之间的相互切换、极具质感。
《Go Beyond》在 2021年8月12日的荣耀 Magic 3 全球发布会上亮相。
这是一首属于标准普众审美的歌曲,流行悦耳、婉转流畅;不仅在风格上具有音乐人Andy Love一贯的创作印记,在给予人们温暖与熟悉感的同时、还在旋律上写出了一些峰回路转的新意。
《GO BEYOND》由国际知名音乐人Andy Love词曲编制。他完全get到品牌简单极致的追求,在这首歌中他完全放弃流行音乐花样繁复的编曲方式;而只使用钢琴、弦乐和鼓,以极简的制作雕刻一种简约又长久的美。
整首歌曲可谓雍容典雅;给词曲本身以充分的呈现空间地很好的塑造了一种进取、昂扬的感觉,也贴合了《GO BEYOND》的主题。音乐并没有融入太多的时髦元素,这反而让他更经的起时间的考验、让作品更能唤起普遍式地审美共鸣。
《Go Beyond》有着一种随时能燃点生命热情与荣耀的高级感,也随时能自由奔放进生活洪流,甚至创造出另一种对音乐独到的解读视角。《go beyond》单曲的诞生不仅仅是国际制作人Andy Love与Sonna Rele的一次精彩合作,更是以无形的音乐力量,鼓舞有形人心的一次文化突破:更因此被荣耀选做了全新品牌全球主题曲。
Andy Love 的又一首伟大的出品,他是亚洲音乐市场上最活跃和最受追捧的作家之一。我认为这首歌绝对可以位列主流音乐排行榜:贯穿始终的美丽的歌曲架构和结构编排让我着迷。
------Andreas Oberg(SUPER JUNIOR、EXO、RED VELVET等歌手的歌曲作者)
《Go Beyond》已经正式在网易云音乐、QQ音乐、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐、全民K歌、企鹅FM、微视、轻听、QQ、微信、QQ音乐、Apple Music/iTunes、KKBOX、Mymusic、FriDay音樂、Line Music、JOOX、Amazon Music、Tidal、Yandex等海内外共59个平台全面同步上线。
最新修订时间:2024-11-17 17:30